Create an account

    Please register to the BMF Army Prep platform with the same email that was used in the Army Application process.

    Has the candidate completed RFTE

    Please enter the candidates RFTE results

    Candidate Result Metres
    Answer must be completed in metres and centimeters to be accepted as an entry. i.e. 3.05
    Candidate Result kg’s
    Answer must be completed in Kg’s to be accepted as an entry. i.e. 70
    Candidate Result
    Answer must be completed in level and stage to be accepted as an entry. i.e. 9.3

    BMF Digital by BMF Human Performance is a digital health and fitness service for Be Military Fit franchise members. As a holder of a BMF monthly subscription you have access to this platform. To access the platform please use the same login details used to login to your BMF membership services.

    If you require support logging into your account please contact your franchise owner.

    If you make changes to your membership login details please allow up to 30 minutes to access BMF Digital.

    Pay per session or block booking sessions do not receive access to BMF Digital.